xxxx Project Miscreant

Miscreant is a solitary style 2D dungeon crawler.

The player must survive a deadly 54-card deck provided by the dungeon keeper (aka boss). To defeat the boss, you have to get through the whole deck and eliminate all monsters in it. By using your wits, strategy and a bit of luck your hero will beat the evil boss!

The card deck itself consists of four suits : monsters, shields, weapons and potions.

After choosing game difficulty and your hero - who spices things up with his special skill – the first round of cards is dealt.

This game was developed in C# using Monogame and Visual Studio in the second semester at FH Salzburg.

The game

The dungeon consists of two rows – each row having three card slots. Your hero can only interact with cards in the front row. The bottom area of the game screen shows your hero, two hands and a backpack slot for items.

To use items, you must equip them first. Each of your hands can only hold one item at a time. Only after, e.g. your weapon is used up, you can equip a new item card.

As soon as three slots are cleared in the dungeon, new cards from the deck will be dealt to the empty slots.

To get familiar with the gameplay, a short tutorial is provided. But due to the visualisation of results of potential card dropping actions players will quickly get the hang of the game.



Birgit Schönauer Profile Picture
Birgit Schönauer


Game Design

Game Programmierung